今、来週のApple's Eyeの原稿を仕上げているのですが、日付を確認したところ、たまたま今日がその日だったと気がつきビックリして、背筋が伸びる思いをしています。
A Letter to Customers from Gil Amelio
December 20, 1996
Dear Apple customers:
The next chapter in Apple's history begins today.
As you may have already heard, today we acquired NeXT Software Inc. As a result, we are merging the businesses of Apple and NeXT into one operation, owned and managed by Apple. This means that, in a moment, we move to the center of the industry's developments and debates. It means we greatly strengthen our Internet, Enterprise, and software propositions. And it means we complete our commitment to deliver a truly modern operating system to our customers.
It also means that our co-founder Steven P. Jobs, will rejoin Apple, reporting to me. I know I speak for everyone at Apple in welcoming Steve home.

今、来週のApple's Eyeの原稿を仕上げているのですが、日付を確認したところ、たまたま今日がその日だったと気がつきビックリして、背筋が伸びる思いをしています。
A Letter to Customers from Gil Amelio
December 20, 1996
Dear Apple customers:
The next chapter in Apple's history begins today.
As you may have already heard, today we acquired NeXT Software Inc. As a result, we are merging the businesses of Apple and NeXT into one operation, owned and managed by Apple. This means that, in a moment, we move to the center of the industry's developments and debates. It means we greatly strengthen our Internet, Enterprise, and software propositions. And it means we complete our commitment to deliver a truly modern operating system to our customers.
It also means that our co-founder Steven P. Jobs, will rejoin Apple, reporting to me. I know I speak for everyone at Apple in welcoming Steve home.