Web 2.0 in your pocket.
Those who has been using iPhone since 2007 are already experiencing this.
<p/>Let's say this is an example of Web 2.0, yesterday.
Then this would be the Web 2.0 tomorrow:
It will connect the socialmedia to the real world. It would connect not only to e-commerce but to the commercial activities around you. It would be the first big step into the Augmented Reality.
It would also help those non-social Internet addicts back again to the real world. I think "Web 2.0 in your pocket" is great not just because you can take out Wikipedia or facebook just when you need it, or do a google search in front of the refrigerator for tonight's recipe, but also because you can turn off the screen and put it back in your pocket so easily and help you get back to the normal and healthy real life.