Safari incompatibility with (Puki)Wiki!?

On, Reimy points out three serious problems with Safari 1.0. She suggests two solutins; one of which is to prevent Safari users from editing the page.

The most serious of the three is how Safari converts tilda into two-byte version of the same character (i.e. "~" > "〜" ); maybe this problem is *again* unique to those who use Safari under Japanese environment.

The two other problems are 1) it does not recognize UTF-8 automatically, 2) you cannot specify fonts with their Japanese name such as "ヒラギノ"

I wrote to Reimy asking permission to translate her points and trackback to Surfin' Safari for this article. She was kind enough to grant it and points me to another article by Nekomeshinikki article where s/he point out few more problems. I will look into them later.



Safari 1.0の深刻な問題点3つを指摘したもの。中でももっとも深刻なのは半角チルダ(~)を全角チルダ(〜)に変換してしまうというもので、これはPukiWikiのシステム/記事にも影響を与えかねないためにSafariでの編集をできなくすることも検討中という。

この件を翻訳してSurfin' SafariにTrack Backをかけていか許諾のメールを送ったところ快諾していただいた上に、ねこめし日記さんのこちらの記事も教えていただいた。


投稿者名 Nobuyuki Hayashi 林信行 投稿日時 2003年07月25日 | Permalink