QuickTime 6.5, now 'au' friendly

Apple has released QuickTime 6.5.

It now supports with 3GP2 and AMC audio thus works better in contents creation for cellular phones from 'au'.


As I have started moblogging on nobilog2 and sends a lot of packets over the phone, now I want CDMA 1x WIN, but if I do so, my life would be too complicated; also I want not only the CDMA 1x WIN but also the EZNaviWalk, the GPS feature which is only available on some non-1x-WIN phones.

投稿者名 Nobuyuki Hayashi 林信行 投稿日時 2003年12月19日 | Permalink

V801SA not good for fotolog (and some moblog?)


Though I haven't updated it much these days, many of you know that I love a service called fotolog; Some of yo may even know that I have started the TOKYOTODAY group log.

And as a matter of course, the first thing I did with my V801SA was to take a photo and upload it to TOKYOTODAY. But instead of the "Successful upload" mail, I got an error message. And so did <http:>sasurau.</http:>

I finally did a quick test and found why that was.

On fotolog, if you want to upload the photo via e-mail, you would address the mail to the upload address of fotolog (you can find it at FAQ) and make the subject look like this "your_fotolog_id:password" and attach the picture.

Very simple. And there is no problem uploading with FOMA P2102V phone.

So I sent the same mail to myself and I got this result:


Subject: test:dayo


Subject: =?iso-2022-jp?B?dGVzdDpkYXlv?=

Apparently, V801SA encodes the subject into ISO-2022JP no matter what characters are used (or not used) where as P2102V only encodes when necessary.

So those people who were trying to use V801SA as your fotolog phone or for moblogging should be warned and try not to use the subject line to send any commands or IDs.


投稿者名 Nobuyuki Hayashi 林信行 投稿日時 2003年12月15日 | Permalink

3G Roaming in Japan

[for Japanese click more|日本語はmoreをクリック]

A week and half has past with my V801SA and I am quite happy with it except for one thing: battery life.

My V801SA has never survived the second day witout recharging; it is same with my FOMA P2102V phone, but V801SA is worse.

One good news though is I can recharge it with my USB cable that came with "Keitai-bannou" software package for FOMA phones (and Windows OS :-( )

As for SIM-swapping, hiroshiy is right, V801SA is SIM-locked and you can't use SIM cards from other vendors. As a matter of fact, I know there are two Japanese SIM cards that works outside of Japan, FOMA Card and VGS Card, but I have never heard of any SIM Card that would work in Japan. Are there any?

I doesn't necessary mean there is no SIM-swappable 3G phones; NOKIA Japan has W-CDMA+GSM (2-bands so far) but at least in Japan, it seems to work with VGS Card only.

I wonder when and who would ever support the roaming of foreign carriers. I am very sure vodafone is working on it.

V801 SAを使い始めて1週間半ほど絶ちますが、とりあえずは1点を除いて満足しています。問題点はバッテリーライフです。

投稿者名 Nobuyuki Hayashi 林信行 投稿日時 2003年12月15日 | Permalink