SPAM & creativity

Some spammers amaze me with their creativity. They are so smart to invent new way to by-pass anti-spam filters.

I always wish they could use that creativity for something more productive, something they can be proud of and say to their children and their parents that they have "INVENTED IT".

It is very sad that they had to use their creativity in such way.

If they are smart enough they should now be changing their job to create products/services that will prevent SPAMs. The SPAM business has just gone too far and sooner or later people would have to do something serious about it (or throw their computer away and live without them). Continuing to be a Spammer will only increase the chance for them to sacrifice them as the first scapegoat.

I have been thinking what actions we can do against Spammers.

If they are sending adult related material with obscene pictures, there should be a law that will prevent them for sending those information to children and we should be able to have some law enforcement there.

If they are sending SPAMs to cell phones, they are doing it with the knowledge that the recipient will spend some money receiving them. And there should be or we have to make a law that will prevent it; otherwise, someone can keep sending hate-mails to certain cell phone until that someone lose some big money.


does anyone know if there are any web site that is supporting this kind of anti-spam information?

I will never buy products from sponsors of SPAMs. If I had that money, I will donate them all to any anti-Spam activities.

投稿者名 Nobuyuki Hayashi 林信行 投稿日時 2004年03月04日 | Permalink

  • Re: SPAM & creativity

    Wow, I receive this e-mail today. And I happen to be the management of mailing system and (unfortunatelly, I don't have a team).
    It is not a SPAM but rather some kind of virus mail. Maybe virus is becoming creative, too!

    From Fri Mar 5 16:35:46 2004
    Received: (qmail 96598 invoked from network); 5 Mar 2004 07:30:48 -0000
    Received: from unknown (HELO oem-5ixcaxqoxdz) (
    by with SMTP; 5 Mar 2004 07:30:48 -0000
    Subject: Notify about your e-mail account utilization.
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

    投稿者名 nobi

  • Re:SPAM & creativity

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