Join us for a special press event to find out iPhone secrets from Japan such as:
- Watching TV on your iPhone – the hottest topic right now in Japan
- Draw on your computer screen using an iPhone
- Real-time 3D animation on iPhone
- Beautiful mahjong games
- Samurai chess
- Enjoy a private geisha dance for only 99 cents
WHEN: JAN 7 6.30pm
WHERE: a venue 10min walk from Moscone Center
At this event, Nobuyuki Hayashi (aka Nobi), one of the most famous Mac/iPhone journalists from Japan will be briefing and taking questions about iPhone market in Japan.
You will also meet ten of the top iPhone developers from Japan including:
Conit (Samurai Chess), GClue(iKoto, iGeisha), HIcorp (Mascot Capsule), Hudson Software, J’s Avenue (Realtime 3D animation library), JYProduct (FingerPiano), PokeDía (PokeDía), Royal Gadget, SunSoft (Mahjong Solitaire), UEI (aka Zeptotools, showing ZeptoPad 2.0, ZeptoLiner, iShodo).
Watch our video:
Info about individual products:
( a few more developers has joined after the list was completed)
[1] ZeptoPad 2.0 & iShodo – Zeptotools / Lifestyle
ZeptdoPad 2.0 will let you draw on your computer screen using iPhone wirelessly.
Whatever you will draw on iPhone will be displayed on you computer screen live.
Zeptotool also can show iShodo (a Japanese caligraphy app) and
ZeptoLiner (an outline processor)
[2] iGeisha + iKoto – GClue, (+HIcorp) / Lifestyle or Music
iGeisha will display a traditional geisha dance in 3D using HIcorp’s
mascot capsule technology. You can change the view angle in real time.
[3] MascotCapsule eruption / Development platform
Mascot Capsule eruption is a 3D library that will help you create a 3D avatars on your iPhone. It has been used for iGeisha by GClue.
[4] Samurai Chess – Conit / Game
multiplayer network chess game with Samurai twist
[5] PokeDia – PokeDia / Lifestyle (but he will depart on 8th)
PokeDia is a very unique freeform diary software for you iPhone.“
[6] Mahjong Solitare – SunSoft /Game
There are many mahjong solitaire for iPhone but this is the one with
Japanese aesthetic; it will even let you zoon into the mahjong piece.
[7] Finger Piano – JYProduct /Music
There are many piano applications for you iPhone, but this one has
some built-in score and can be used to practice those score.
[8] 3D demo application – J’s Avenue/ Game?
J’s Avenue has a background in gaming. They are porting there 3D
background/character animation library to iPhone.
[9] Teru Teru Bozu – Royal Gadget / Lifestyle (but he’s departing on 8th)
Young entrepreneur, Fumiyasu Takaura, has turned Japanese traditional
lucky charm, “Teru Teru bozu” into an iPhone app. He will show how you might even change the weather using your iPhone.
and more ...