3G Roaming in Japan
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A week and half has past with my V801SA and I am quite happy with it except for one thing: battery life.
My V801SA has never survived the second day witout recharging; it is same with my FOMA P2102V phone, but V801SA is worse.
One good news though is I can recharge it with my USB cable that came with "Keitai-bannou" software package for FOMA phones (and Windows OS :-( )
As for SIM-swapping, hiroshiy is right, V801SA is SIM-locked and you can't use SIM cards from other vendors. As a matter of fact, I know there are two Japanese SIM cards that works outside of Japan, FOMA Card and VGS Card, but I have never heard of any SIM Card that would work in Japan. Are there any?
I doesn't necessary mean there is no SIM-swappable 3G phones; NOKIA Japan has W-CDMA+GSM (2-bands so far) but at least in Japan, it seems to work with VGS Card only.
I wonder when and who would ever support the roaming of foreign carriers. I am very sure vodafone is working on it.
V801 SAを使い始めて1週間半ほど絶ちますが、とりあえずは1点を除いて満足しています。問題点はバッテリーライフです。