Nokia Bluetoothペン
NOKIAがアノト・ペン・ベースのBluetoothボールペン、Nokia Digital Pen SU-1Bを発売しているらしい。
しかも、これがNOKIA 6650で使えるらしい。某編集者の購入で、せっかく沈静化しつつあった「NOKIA 6650欲しい病」が一気に再燃した。
As you can see from my last entry, I am very much into SNS (or social software) these days.
Seeing announcements of new SNS almost every two weeks, I started to think where all these SNS should be headed.
For the time being, I am somewhat enjoying the mix of various Social Network services, but in the long run, I believe they will turn into this: an address book application.